How ChatGPT will Influence the Cybersecurity Industry

With the introduction of ChatGPT, it appears that the field of cybersecurity will make a significant leap forward. The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving. A cutting-edge AI-driven chatbot called ChatGPT is created to improve user experience and security protocols online. The future of online security will be discussed in this blog post along with how ChatGPT will revolutionize the way we interact with cybersecurity.

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New ESXiArgs Ransomware Targets VMware ESXi Servers Globally

A new ransomware variant targeting VMware ESXi has been wreaking havoc on organizations worldwide since early February. Dubbed ESXiArgs, the ransomware has breached and encrypted thousands of servers as of February 10. Attackers are exploiting unpatched instances of the two-year-old ESXi OpenSLP Heap Overflow Vulnerability CVE-2021-21974 to gain access and deploy ESXiArgs.

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5 Most Recent Major Ransomware Attacks

In recent years, ransomware attacks have become one of the biggest security threats faced by businesses and individuals. From the Wannacry attack in 2017 to the NotPetya attack in 2018, malicious cyber-attacks have cost businesses and individuals billions of dollars in damage and disruption. With the rise of ransomware attacks, it is essential to understand how to protect yourself and your data from these threats.

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