24/7 Managed Detection and Response for Small & Medium Sized Enterprise

Cybersecurity Reinvented for SMEs

NovaMDR is a managed service that utilizes cutting-edge security technology and top-tier professionals to deliver 24/7 monitoring of your endpoints, networks, cloud services and identities. Our mission is to detect and respond to even the most sophisticated cyber threats, ensuring your business is always securely available.

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Cyber Protection for SMEs


Organizations that gain the most value out of NovaMDR are small to medium-sized enterprises who are facing challenges with:

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Responding to threats in real-time;

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Complying with NIS2 or other industry or regulatory standards;


Protecting complex IT environments;


Hiring specialized cybersecurity talent;


Watch an overview of how the NovaMDR SOC works

and the people and processes that keep you secured



Cyber Protection for SMEs

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Enhanced Network Visibility

NovaMDR elevates your visibility, offering a hacker's perspective of your network, thus unveiling vulnerabilities previously unseen.

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Advanced Threat Detection

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, NovaMDR offers continuous, 24/7 surveillance of your digital landscape ensuring that no threat, however sophisticated, goes undetected.

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Rapid Response

Armed with finely-tuned playbooks, our NovaMDR professionals respond to threats rapidly and strategically, ensuring that your response is both effective and efficient.

Cybersecurity Experts for Your Team

Get expert support for your IT staff, extending their capabilities and bandwidth with our team of cybersecurity experts.

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Comprehensive Log Management

Beyond mere data collection, NovaMDR provides insightful analysis of log data, transforming raw information into actionable intelligence.

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Easy to Integrate

Designed for compatibility, NovaMDR integrates effortlessly into your existing IT ecosystem, enhancing your defenses while maintaining operational continuity.


Why NovaMDR is Essential for Your Business

1. Detects Threats Fast

2. Responds to Threats in Real-Time

3. Builds Resilience for Faster Recovery

4. Fills in the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

5. Reduces Workload of IT Team

6. Compliance Support

Incident Process

Risk reduction by ForeNova

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Why Choose ForeNova


When it comes to safeguarding your digital assets, choosing the right partner is as crucial as the defenses you deploy. 

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NovaMDR is a sophisticated detection and response managed service that is developed by our experts analyzing network and endpoint activity using their expertise and advanced tools in AI, ML, behavior analytics, and threat intelligence.

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We collaborate with a large Research & Development team that constantly monitors and documents the evolution of newly emerging threats.

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Our OEM partners have successfully deployed our technology, serving thousands of customers worldwide.


Our Case Studies

Peace of mind with NovaMDR

We know that we will sense and respond on a high alert or critical activity due to the alarms that NovaCommand sends to us. This kind of reliability is crucial to us.

We feel very well taken
care of

We don't have the resources to close all emerging vulnerabilities in the network in a timely manner. With ForeNova, we can manage to stop damaging attacks or at least contain them immediately.

NovaMDR was our way to evolve our IT security

With the excellent and flexible support, NovaMDR gives us peace of mind and a future-proof solution against the ever-evolving cyberattacks on our hospital

Get Started
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Service Elements

Threat analysis and identification

24x7 threat detection, analysis, and verification, leveraging AI-enabled detection capabilities and experienced security professionals to accurately identify and analyse threats and provide notification in a timely manner

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Threat response and remediation

Context-relevant threat response assistance rendered remotely by our team of security experts to help customers manage and eradicate detected threats. Covers emergency containment assistance, detection and impact analysis, traceability investigations and improvement recommendations.

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Asset Tracking

Initial and regular review of in-scope assets to track and identify unauthorized changes, as well as to provide proper context to the service.

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Expert Services

Exclusive security professional assigned to every customer to ensure continuity in communications when it comes to threat notification, response assistance as well as any related advisory or recommendations included in the service. Also include quarter proactive threat hunting exercises from our security professionals.

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Customer Portal

Gain access to real-time security overview of the customer's monitored environment, including open and closed cases, security view of monitored assets as well as access to regular reports.

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Detect and Protect

ForeNova represents a new way for companies to put an end to relentless, and often undetected, cyber threats coming from every direction. With ForeNova’s unified command center, businesses can detect threats that are already inside their network, and previously unknown.

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Tap into expert insights & best practices

ForeNova’s experts share valuable insights, best practices, customer challenges and industry trends. Learn from security practitioners and thought leaders on how to best protect your business from new and persistent cyber threats.

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